"Combatting Trespassing with Barbed Wire atop Precast Walls" ,read this case study…..
Residential apartments these days have made it very compulsory to fence their boundary wall for the safety and wellness of their residents. Here’s the case about one of our old clients, Ajmera Apartment, whose Apartment Welfare Association got in touch with us regarding fencing their compound wall which surrounds their society.
On our site visit, we came to understand a few observations about their compound wall –
From inside, the compound wall looked 5’ – 6’ ft high, but if we see it from outside of the property, it was just 3’-4’ ft high which can be easily climbed, so here the main reason for the fencing was trespass.
The compound wall was very old as it had cracks and seepage problems, which made it difficult to put any kind of fence on it.
After discussing these issues with the association people, we came up with a possible solution where, to fix the post inside the ground, digging 2’ft below the ground. And we had to fix posts for concreting. This was a Vertical Post which had 9’ in height and topped with a Y angle to hold 7-8 lines of Barbed Wire, 4 lines of Razor Wire, and 2 diameter Concertina Coil which is again one of the best solutions that can be done against trespassing.
So, as a whole, it was a 9′ ft height vertical pole + 2’ft Concertina coil which gave the fence a combined height of 11ft which made it impossible not just for any human to trespass but also for stray animals. We got positive feedback from almost everyone at the society and this project enhanced our brand name in Bangalore, opened the door to a lot of upcoming projects.